Friday, 29 June 2012

Example of Amazing Team Work

Shadow Performance: Great Teamwork

Support and Trust

Support and trust are one of the most important characteristic for a successful team. All team members should be supportive and trust each other. To build trust, everyone should be honest with each other. If anyone wants to present his or her views or ideas than others should support him/her. All team members have confidence in team leadership and vision. Each of the team members should support and trust each other in all ups, downs, risks and losses. No one should criticize anyone behind their backs. If anyone has doubt on anyone's decision, he or she should tell directly to that person. After all, they should give respect to each other.


Unified Commitment

Everyone should be committed to unified values and team goals. All team members are willing to complete their given task to achieve team goal successfully. Contributing to goal accomplishment becomes the primary focus of each team members. Everyone have belief in each other. All team members should completely involved in their individual work. In order to accomplish the established goals, team members should feel a sense of unity toward their purpose. To increase commitment and unity, team leader need to provide clear and understandable goals and encourage them to work and progress together.


Collaborative Atmosphere

Synergistic atmosphere between team members is necessary for a successful team. All team members should trust each other. Everyone should recognize individual contributions. The atmosphere should be comfortable and relaxed so that everyone can express their views or ideas freely. A positive or collaborative atmosphere indicates that all team members are involved and committed towards their work and goal. Team members should be honest with each other. 


Thursday, 28 June 2012

How to Manage Conflict

Conflict emerges in a team when there is disagreement on some topics. Hence a team needs strategies to manage conflict. When disagreement occurs, team members should be comfortable with it and deal with it openly. Conflict resolution training should be given to all team members. If conflict occurs, all team members should sit together and discuss on the reasons of conflict and resolve it in a healthy way. It is the responsibility of each team members to understand the situation, acknowledge the problem and resolve it productively. 

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Balanced Participation

Active participation is one of the most important characteristics of successful teams. You cannot imagine a team without it. The team members should encourage ideas, thoughts and opinions of others. It ensures that all team members are fully involved in their tasks. A team should involve all of its team members in its activities and encourage them to do so. It is everyone's responsibility to participate in all tasks. 

Excellent Participation of Spain Football Team Members


Monday, 25 June 2012

Effective Leadership

A successful team needs a strong leader. A leader should be active and completely contributed to his/her role. The leader decides team goals and facilitate collaboration between all team members. The main role of a leader is to divide work to every team member according to their individual capabilities and qualities. A leader should recognize and praises the team members who are performing well. If any team member faces difficulty, the leader should help and motivate his or her. Communication should be open so that every team member can freely share their views and ideas.